The path of self discovery is always traversed with difficulty, the plane is constantly changing and the routes shrouded in obscurity, especially when alone. It is through the sharing of guidance and compassion of others that the obstacles clear, and we may find a better understanding of ourselves. That is what this photo book offers. “ANXN” is the work of the Irish-born photographer, Maclaine. We sat down with them for a sneak peak and a glimpse into the process.

“So much of how you feel about an image is dictated by the colour palette by removing colour, you are giving the viewer less clues about how they should feel, leaving the work much more open to interpretation. I’ve always been attracted to abstraction, and I feel the more information you can remove from an image, the more room there is to fill in the blanks for yourself, which is what art is all about.”

“This project, ANXN, has been my baby for more than a year and a half even though I’ve been working on it for so long, I really struggle to articulate what it is. The whole project functions as a photographic interpretation of my journey with my sense of self for its duration early images are clear and legible, back when I thought I had a grasp on who I was, and as you get closer to the end of the book things get more and more abstract, representing the added layers of complexity to my character and identity that I’ve discovered about myself.“

“The title, “ANXN” is short for anonymous, with x being the universal symbol for unknown. The overlapping ambiguity of my journey with my sexuality and gender identity is the theme of the whole project, and is thus reflected in the title.”

“AXNX” is available now for 16€
Orders can be placed by messaging @maclaineblxck on Instagram.